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If you would like us to send you our Bulletin each quarter, please contact us.

pdf50May 2024DDSP goes from Strength to Strength
The Social Rehabilitation Centre in Hanoi
pdf50February 2024John Pilger RIP
Another 513 wheelchairs for Vietnam
Vietnam Veteran visit
Report from All Ears Cambodia
pdf50November 2023Progress at Daughters of Cambodia
Heroes: Pheng Samnang
pdf50August 2023Visit to Vietnam and Cambodia – continued
2022 Annual General Meeting
50 Years of Vietnam-UK Diplomatic Relations
pdf50May 2023Trustees’ Visit to Vietnam and Cambodia
Constance (Connie) Nguyen-Xuan
pdf50February 2023Journey to Forgiveness: Legacy of Agent Orange
Music Therapy at All Ears Cambodia
Monitoring and Evaluation visit
pdf50November 2022545 Wheelchairs for Vietnam’s Victims
Health and Wellness Progress at New Hope
Fund-Raising at the Organic Farm Shop
pdf50August 2022More Help for the Disabled in Pursat.
2021 Annual General Meeting.
Agent Orange: the Fight Continues.
pdf50May 2022Challenging Times at All Ears Cambodia
Moeun Rithy’s Story 
Positive News from Daughters
pdf50February 2022VAVA Honoured
Daughter’s Case Study
Review of 2021
pdf50November 202160th Anniversary of Agent Orange
Daughters of Cambodia
New Hope Farm Project
pdf50August 2021New Hope Children’s Home Farm Project
Wheelchairs for Vietnam
Coronavirus Update
pdf50May 2021Binocular Headlights for Cambodia
Agent Orange – Justice at Last?
Services for the Disabled in Pursat
pdf50February 2021Daughters (of Cambodia) on the Move
Monsanto, Bayer and Two World Wars
Hanoi After the War
pdf50November 2020Wheelchairs for Agent Orange Victims
Heroes; Rod Prince
Listen Again (All Ears Cambodia)
Covid-19 Update
pdf50May 2020The 200th Edition of the Bulletin
Report from Pursat (DDSP)
How Vietnam has coped with Covid-19
pdf50February 2020Disabled Services in Cambodia
Vietnamese Lorry Disaster
Ruth Elliott
pdf50November 2019
  • Operation Babylift
  • Daughters of Cambodia
  • Professor Trinh Ngoc Trinh
pdf50May 2019
  • Vietnamese families still battling the aftermath of Agent Orange
  • Disabled Services in Cambodia
pdf50February 2019
  • Support for Daughters of Cambodia
  • Good News from New Hope
  • Listen.Out.Loud.Kratie!
  • Cao Bang Midwives’ Course
pdf50November 2018
  • Typhoon Son Tinh hits Vietnam
  • More Wheelchairs for Agent Orange Victims
  • John Pilger appointed as Vice-President
pdf50August 2018
  • Aid to Laos
  • Hanoi after the war
  • Daughters Cambodia
pdf50May 2018
  • Is this your last Bulletin?
  • Commemoration of the My Lai Massacre
  • Disabled Services in Pursat, Cambodia
pdf50February 2018
  • Can we stay in touch?
  • Wheelchairs for Agent Orange Victims
  • All Ears Cambodia
pdf50August 2017
  • Hope for the Safe Detection of Landmines
  • Traditional Midwives’ Medical Kits
  • Support from Frampton Fundraisers
pdf50May 2017
  • Ha Tinh General Hospital
  • Essential Medical Care
pdf50February 2017
  • Agent Orange – Vietnam’s Toxic Legacy
  • British Friendship Hospital in Ky Anh, North Vietnam
pdf50November 2016
  • Obstetric training for doctors in Vietnam
  • New Hope Children’s Home
  • Disability Development Services Program – Client Visits part 2
pdf50August 2016
  • New Recruits at All Ears Cambodia
  • News from Daughters of Cambodia
pdf50May 2016
  • Traditional Midwife Training Courses
  • Disability Development Services Program-Client Visits
pdf50February 2016
  • Daughters of Cambodia
  • Our Work in 1985
  • Len Aldis
pdf50September 2015
  • New Hope Childrens Home
  • “50 Years Of Aid” Celebration
  • Thanh Xuan Peace Village
pdf50May 2015
  • Lao Water Project
  • Evaluation Visit to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
pdf50February 2015
  • “50 Years of Aid”
  • Bernard Barry
pdf50August 2014
  • Traditional Midwives Training Courses
  • All Ears Cambodia – Outreach Clinic
pdf50May 2014
  • Water Projects in Laos
  • New Hope Children’s Home – First Aid Project
pdf50February 2014
  • Dr Madeleine Sharp MBE
  • Wheelchairs for Agent Orange Victims
pdf50November 2013
  • Hoa Binh Peace Village
  • Kien Klieng Leprosy Centre
  • 48 Years of Practical Help
pdf50August 2013
  • Agent Orange Victim, Nguyen Sy Thang
  • Disability Development Services Program
  • Professor Trinh visits Coventry
pdf50May 2013
  • Vietnam Womens’ Union
  • Agent Orange Victim, Ms Tran Thi Hoan
pdf50November 2012
  • Medical Elective Experience – Michael Schofield
  • Ky Anh Blind Association
  • All Ears Cambodia
pdf50August 2012
  • Traditional Midwives Training Courses
  • My Lai Visit
  • Fund-Raising Events
pdf50May 2012
  • Thanh Xuan Peace Village
  • Ha Tinh General Hospital
  • Disability Development Services Program
pdf50February 2012
  • All Ears Cambodia
  • The British Friendship Hospital in Ky Anh
  • Disability Development Services Program